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Individual Value- Consciousness of Self

"Consciousness of Self implies an awareness and an acknowledgement of those relatively stable aspects of the self that go to make up what we call ‘personality"



















Although I was very involved in high school with sports and extracurricular activites, I was extremely nervous about coming to Virginia Tech and making my mark on campus.  Even though I had been involved, I didn't fully know what leadership meant and I always found it difficult to motivate peers and take all the roles seriously.  I had no idea of who I was as a person and was always have confusion and difficulty finding what I was passionate about. Having an older sister that came to Virginia Tech, I knew that I wanted to get involved in organizations to make this big campus feel a little smaller.  I decided to apply to live in the Residential Leadership Community so that I could expand my leadership experiences and gain knowledge on leadership qualities.  I was ecstatic to get accepted and start on my journey of finding the 'real' me.  Little did I know that this journey would completely me as a person and allow me to grow in so many ways.  College has been a pivotal time in my life for shaping myself and allowing me to understand who I am and where I want to go in the future.  


Being involved in the RLC opened the door to so many opportunities and allowed me to get involved in my first organization, Relay For Life, by getting accepted to be on the Events Committee.  I was able to start seeing the passion that people had towards Relay For Life and I started to realize how much I liked to give back to others.  This organization allowed me to see a personal trait of positivity and I saw how a positive attitude can affect so many others around you.  I also started to realize how persistant I am and dedicated I am to reaching goals.  By setting high goals of being involved, I have been accepted to be on a committee each year for Relay For Life.  By being persistant, I have spent days and nights raising funds and spreading awareness, allowing me to be a top #3 fundraiser, raising $5600!  These personal traits are just a few examples of how college has taught me to accept qualities about yourself and embrace the strengths that you have.  


Although Relay For Life was just one example of beginning to have consciousness of self, these past four years have developed me into the person I always wanted to be.  There have been many bumps and hurdles that I never imagined I would be able to get through when I was in high school.  However, believing in myself and knowing who I was, allowed me to see the light and take life day by day and each hurdle one by one.  From freshman year to now, I have acknowledged and accepted the aspects of myself that make me who I am.  I have been able to expand my experiences to find my passions and know that there is so much more to this crazy life that I cannot wait to explore and learn even more about myself.  


"Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things."



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