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Individual Value- Commitment 

"True commitment comes from within and can be seen by intensity and desire. It does not feel forced or unnatural; rather, the desire to commit to something is compelled by intrinsic motivation, as if it could not be any other way."



















Commitment is having the attitude to work hard to support something.  Before college, my idea of commitment was succeeding at something or completing a "goal."  However, over the past four years, I have realized the true meaning of commitment and seen the importance that it has on everyone's life.  When I came here, I wanted to involved in everything and not miss out on any opportunity.  I quickly learned that being involved means that you have to commit and put 110% into everything you do.  Since I am very dedicated, I know the importance of balancing all aspects of my life and becoming involved in things that I am passionate about.  The times where I have stretched myself too thin, I have become very disappointed in myself and knew that I could have done better.  College has allowed me to commit myself to things that I know I can handle, and have relationships that I knew were of value.  


First of all, my family is something that will always be my first and most important commitment.  I have always been extremely close to my entire family and I would not be the person I am today without their continuous love and support.  Being apart has been hard over the past four years, which is why it has been important to prioritize in my life to always allow time for them.  Last year, when my Uncle passed away from a brain tumor, I spent a lot of time with my family and had to commit all of my time to being there with everyone.  This feeling was completely natural, and it shows that when you are commited to something, there is no question that it holds a special place in your heart.  


Going off of family, my friends are a huge priority and part of my life.  When we commit ourselves to being a part of other people’s lives in a team or social situation, we are committing ourselves to being a friend.  Every club and organization that I am involved with, has opened the door to so many friendships and people entering my life.  I have learned to invest my heart fully into the relationships I am sure make me a better person and make sure to always make time and lend a helping hand to any of my friends when needed.  


Furthermore, class and schooling at such a wonderful university, is a huge commitment.  Coming from high school, it was hard to adjust to having the option of waking up and going to classes, or not going.  I quickly learned freshman year the importance of going to classes and the materials you can miss if you don't go to class.  I have always been extremely dedicated to my studies and education, always trying to push myself to do my best and succeed in school.  Being dedicated and commited to going to class, learning, and studying, has allowed me to be on Deans List each semester.  I also was able to learn how to schedule my classes at the times that I can best focus and have time to do meetings and other events during the afternoon and evening.  


Overall, commitment has been something that I have learned so much about and am continuing to learn everyday.  It is hard to want to get involved in everything and go to every event, but I saw how that leads you to not being as successful.  Over the past four years, you have to set your mind to certain commitments and let others fall.  Prioritization is key in any busy life and knowing my passions and values have allowed me to successfully become closer with my family, gain wonderful friends, and take in classes and education. 



"Desire is the key to motivation, but it's determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal - a commitment to excellence - that will enable you to attain the success you seek."- Mario Andretti


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